The Cat Mom Necklace

Last October, I saw that National Cat Day was coming up and decided to celebrate by making myself a new Cat Mom necklace. Sure, there were probably more important things I should have been doing that day, but deep down, I know that Telemachus appreciated the gesture — and the extra midday cuddles.
I meant to post more about it back then but, as always, life got super busy and I never got around to it. Then this week, a customer emailed to ask whether the cat mom necklace was still available. It is!
In fact, you can use Cat Mom, your cat’s name, or just about any other 8-letter-or-less word(s) on your very own made-to-order Custom Name Necklace or Custom Bubble Name Necklace.
So let the world know that you’re proud of your cat mom status. Your cat will thank you.