Hello June!

Can you believe it’s June already? The year is almost halfway over!
I love this month. Summer is officially in swing, my kids are home from school and so much adventure awaits.
I always head to NYC for the Mastercard Mini 10K in June. I’m so excited to be back again, creating the jewelry for this epic and important women’s race! I’ll be at the NYRR RUNCENTER during bib pick up along with my Mastercard Mini 10K Collection. See you there?
June is also an amazing month because Global Running Day in on June 5th! Not that us runners need a reason to celebrate, but it is a great excuse to have a sale (hint, hint, hint... stay tuned).
The Rose is the Birth Flower for June and symbolizes love, passion, beautify and affection.
And of course, June 16th is Father’s Day and we’ve got amazing Gifts for Dad.