Happy National Cancer Survivors Day!

National Cancer Survivors Day feels like the perfect opportunity to highlight Phil Shin and Brave Like Gabe.
Phil Shin is a runner, father, husband, liver transplant recipient, and two-time cancer survivor. It was almost a year ago that I “met” Phil. He reached out wanting to purchase Brave Like Gabe necklaces to hand out to his Leadville crew. Phil’s dream was to be the first person who had undergone a liver transplant to complete a 100 mile footrace.
I was honored to be a teeny tiny part of Phil’s journey and I’ve followed him along ever since, in awe and admiration.
Since his transplant, Phil has joined the board of the Brave Like Gabe Foundation to help Gabe’s mission of bringing awareness to rare cancers and raising money for direct-funded research. He advocates, educates and inspires every day and the world is certainly a better place with him in it.
Happy National Cancer Survivors Day to Phil 💙 and to all of the survivors out there.
You can support Brave Like Gabe year round with our jewelry collection, or by heading directly to their website, and signing up for their races, running for their charity teams, and donating.